Tuesday, October 21, 2014

This is your brain on writing.

In honor of our brain-related SMART lunch offerings, I thought you might like to read this article about your brain and writing. It's from one of my favorite bloggers about language and writing: Mignon Fogarty (aka Grammar Girl). I've added a link to her site on my Class Links list, too.

So, when you find yourself, your friend, or your dog asking: "Why does Ms. A. have you do so much blogging?" you can refer to this study and its "takeaway message for writers." (No spoilers here, you'll need to read the whole article or skip to the end of page 2.)

Submit TWO posts to Asmussen via Canvas!

Please use the Canvas assignment for today to submit at least two links (include titles). More details are provided in the assignment description.

Here's the link: https://crcsd.instructure.com/courses/18292/assignments/68824 directly to the Canvas assignment.