Tuesday, December 16, 2014

It's not too late...

to get Mizzay something for Christmas. Homemade gifts are the best....

Remember when she begged you for one of these?

So, if you're bored over break...no blogging required...snowed in...YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Embedding links in a blog post

When you are writing the sentence, it's possible to link the actual words. Yes, this would count in your word count. But that's not the only reason to do it, or even the best reason.

Let's say I want my reader to be able to refer to this article

One of my favorite blogs is Humans of New York.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

This is your brain on writing.

In honor of our brain-related SMART lunch offerings, I thought you might like to read this article about your brain and writing. It's from one of my favorite bloggers about language and writing: Mignon Fogarty (aka Grammar Girl). I've added a link to her site on my Class Links list, too.

So, when you find yourself, your friend, or your dog asking: "Why does Ms. A. have you do so much blogging?" you can refer to this study and its "takeaway message for writers." (No spoilers here, you'll need to read the whole article or skip to the end of page 2.)

Submit TWO posts to Asmussen via Canvas!

Please use the Canvas assignment for today to submit at least two links (include titles). More details are provided in the assignment description.

Here's the link: https://crcsd.instructure.com/courses/18292/assignments/68824 directly to the Canvas assignment.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Setting up your blog...

I will do a brief demo in the classroom before we go to the lab! Listen carefully, be patient and be willing to ask for help and/or help others.

Please set up your page. You can always come back to "Design"/"Template" if you want to change the look and/or title of your page.

You will need to add the following items to your blog:

Gadget: Blog Archive (This is basically a table of contents, listing each post you add to your blog.)

Select the following for your format:
  • Hierarchy
  • Show Post Titles
  • Weekly
  • Show End Date
Gadget: Link List (This will be a good place for you to link to pages that relate to your blog.)
 You can change the name of this, if you like, just be sure the name lets reader know what those links are.

Gadget: Link List renamed "Class Links"
Here you will add the link for the Asmussen Blog Hub 2015, and others as the year progresses.

Page: Add a Gadget called Pages. Now, add Pages from the left menu on the Design screen.

A new page titled it "About Me."  (The content you include on this page will explain who you are (not personal information!) in relationship to your blog focus. Let your reader know why you're interested in this topic, what experiences lead you to this, what you hope to gain for yourself, etc. Don't repeat the content from your "About this Blog.")

A new page: Title it "About this Blog" (The content you include on this page will explain what your blog focus is, who might be your audience and what the blog can do for them. Don't repeat the content from your "About Me.")

Now, you need to go back again to the Pages gadget (and edit) to actually add these pages to the "Pages" section of your blog.

We will start our 3 posts per week next week (9/8-9/14). This week your responsible for writing the pages "About Me" and "About this Blog."

Happy Blogging!
Ms. A.